
Appearance settings

In settings under the heading 'Appearance' you can personalize the app:

Updated 1 year ago

Connection settings

Here you can view and change general settings for your POS system.

Updated 1 year ago

Facilities screen settings

From 'Settings', click on 'Facilities screen'. Here you can adjust the preferences of the facility screen, which includes the table areas.

Updated 1 year ago


For adjustments in the Hardware Settings menu

Updated 1 year ago

Input mode

How to set the way to search for products

Updated 1 year ago

Login settings

From 'Settings', click on 'Login settings'; here you can change settings related to login.

Updated 1 year ago

Menu and order screen

How to adjust the settings and display of the menu and order screen.

Updated 1 year ago

Payment screen

How to change the settings related to checkout.

Updated 1 year ago

Stock settings

How to set the maximum number of columns for the stock management screen.

Updated 1 year ago
