How can I configure random spot checks on my self-service POS/Grab and Go POS?

Joshua Detjen Updated by Joshua Detjen

In this article, we are going to show you how to configure random spot checks on your Self-service POS/Grab and Go POS.

To configure your Self-service POS or Grab & Go, go to Self-service POS or Grab & Go
Price management is a paid module, please inquire with your account manager about options and prices.


  1. Firstly, you will have to log in to the cloud
  2. Go to Self-service
  3. Go to Sales channels
  4. Edit a Self-scan checkout or Self-service checkout by pressing the pencil icon
  1. Switch on the toggle Enable checks
  2. Notice the new settings that become available
    1. Frequency: Determines the probability (in %) with which a check will be triggered for an order
    2. Expiration: The expiration time will automatically cancel the check after the configured time has passed
    3. Pin code: Required length of the pin code is 4 digits
    4. Explanatory note: This text is visible to the guest when the spot check is triggered
  3. Save your changes
  4. Send the changes to the server by going to General -> General and press Send
  5. Test after a few minutes.

Self-service POS:

  • Go to your Self-service screen and do a test order
  • Book products and select a payment method
  • Notice the random check being triggered
  • The guest needs to request help from an employee to do the spot check.
  • Press Start check
  • The employee enters the pin code and selects the > — button
  • The employee checks the contents of the guest's order on in the basket and compares these to the physical contents
  • The employee chooses whether the spot check was denied or approved
    • In case of denial, the basket will be cleared, and the guest needs to start over again
    • In case of approval, the guest can continue with the order
  • The guest can pay for the products and the next guest can use the Self-service.

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