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Download booq


booq web app software for booq POS displays and handhelds.

  • This software package contains the Android (APK) installer version.
Please note that this software should only be downloaded and installed when you are instructed to do so by the booq POS support team.

Android: booq POS web app
Android: booq POS native app
Android: booq POS Waiter app

Go to the Sunmi App Store and install the booq POS application. The app is only available on specific supported hardware.

Apple / iOS

Go to booq POS in the Apple store.

Staffplanner App

To use the staffplanner app, you need to download the app and then enter the system name. The system name is what comes after… and is specific to a company. Under one system name, several locations can exist. All employees of all establishments use the same system name to log in to the app, followed by their own e-mail address and password. New employees must first be invited by an administrator.

This staffplanner is available as an app for both Android and iOS/iPadOS:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Then enter the system name, followed by your e-mail address and password.
  3. Are you unable to log in? Then contact your manager.

Reservations App

To use the reservations app, you need to download the app and then set your own email address and password.

booq Reservations is available as an app for iOS/iPadOS:

  1. Download the app.
  2. Setup your email address and password.
  3. Are you unable to log in? Then contact your manager.

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